February 22nd Fashion Parade *The Wearing of the Green*

February 22nd Fashion Parade *The Wearing of the Green*

Vintage clothing is a great way to reuse and recycle...a great way to live green! So this St. Patrick's Day - or any day -- wear vintage clothing like these examples from our VFG member sellers, this week in shades of green. You can go green while wearing green!

Find a great vintage selection among the VFG member's offerings!

Vintage 1960s Rhinestone Embellished Green Chiffon Cocktail Dress with Flyaway Panels from FAST EDDIE'S RETRO RAGS

Vintage 1960s John Bates for Jean Varon Green and Black Empire Line Dress from EMMA PEEL PANTS

Vintage 1960s Vera Mod Abstract Floral Print Scarf from VINTAGE IN BOHEMIA

You can find more fabulous vintage items from more sellers at the VINTAGE FASHION GUILD FASHION PARADE!

See more vintage clothing and accessories at the FEBRUARY 25th *FRESH VINTAGE* EDITION