'Green with Envy - Elegant Vintage' by VintageFanAttic
Here are a few elegant vintage items for you from some of our Vintage Fashion Guild Members!
vintage 50s black p... $65.00 | Sapphires and Emera... $128.00 | Vintage 30s Crab Rh... $22.00 | Vintage Emerald Gre... $74.00 |
Vintage 30s 40s Gre... $25.00 | Stunning Vintage 19... $215.00 | 60s Herbert Levine ... $20.00 | Vintage 70s Maxi Dr... $85.00 |
Vintage 60s Sage Gr... $30.00 | 60s Vintage Emerald... $69.00 | Vintage 60s Lilli D... $95.00 | Vintage Clear and G... $12.99 |
Elegant Vintage 196... $75.00 | Elegant Turn of Cen... $375.00 | Vintage Chandelier ... $55.00 | 50s Party Dress / 1... $150.00 |